Wednesday, September 23, 2009

de ce sunt oamenii rai?

cum se poate sa oferi cuiva o rautate gratuita
doar pentru ca asa ai chef
pentru ca, probabil, te gandesti numai la tine
nu inveti nimic din moartea celor dragi tie
nu iti pasa ca actiunile tale afecteaza viata unei familii
nu iti pasa decat de bani,
de fiecare leut, euro, centima
pe care o poti stoarce de la unii
care au dot dovada de prea mult bun simt

cum poti minti pe fata atatia oameni?
cum poti face promisiuni nenumarate
incat sa ajungi sa nu te mai creada nimeni

cum poti sa iti bati joc de un contract
de niste oameni plini de speranta
care nu ti-au gresit cu nimic
cand tu esti
cel vinovat
cel mincinos
cel nedrept
cel lenes
cel rau

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

growing up

it's been a long time since i haven't posted anything
but now i feel that something changed
i started growing up
becoming an adult

if I look back one year ago
i was a fresh grad
because i wasn't accepted for internships abroad
disappointed and sometimes depressed

but within one year
many changes came along

moved in with Alex
found a job in a great company
dropped 9 kgs
booked tickets for a true summer holiday
started looking for a life insurance
nodded my head and got engaged
started planning our wedding
filed in the bank for a credit to buy
my "first house"
actually a flat
started thinking of a long term
career plan

i am happy
and i thank God for
all the great things in my life