Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I might be...

sweet calm blonde
the most important person in somebody’s life
the room mate that made her see the colors
the bitch that didn’t recruit me
the student different of her group colleagues
a hero and example that things can work out
a friend you can rely on
the weird girl that will always be there
the first girl he said “I love you” to
the MC member with no EB experience
the grand daughter that is always far away
pink girl...

what am I for you, reader of my blog and life?


Anonymous said...

U're a good friend..not always "the" optimist..not always the strongest..not always independent..but always trying to Renée Zellweger said:)I care about you for the person you want to be..and for the person you almost are!

KAMIL said...

for me , you're a person with whom I can have both a serious dialagoue and a silly chat! that's diversity and that's how we were spending time in poland and that's what i miss!

pink kiss for my best non-polish @ friend! ;)

mailtovvik said...

for me you're like a sister. and a sweet angel. for me you're an example of how strong a girl can be.
sweety, do not let anybody put you down. keep being strong, and keep smiling.
see you in august ;-)