Monday, September 17, 2007

what would I do if I wasn't afraid...

I’m afraid
I’m scared
does it mean I dream too high?
does it mean it’s impossible?

I take all my motivation
and courage
from my heart
from my broken soul

why always after a wound
remains a scar?
how can I cover my scars?
is love enough?


Anonymous said...

Foarte fain blogul tau, Cori. Si poezia. De fapt speram sa fie in romana. Te trec la lista mea si mai vorbim.

mo. said...

Stii, apropo de frici si de mareata intrebare: what would u do if u werent afraid - am o alata replica preferata: If your dreams dont scare u, it means that they are not big enough! Ete singurul context in care simpatizez cu frica. Cat despre dragoste, mi hermosita, e mare curajul cu care admiti ca u take all ure motivation from ure broken heart.

Anonymous said...

The matchless phrase, is pleasant to me :)

Anonymous said...

Bravo, you were visited with simply magnificent idea

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Excellent post. Thanks.